Thursday, June 2, 2016


Controlling Operation Downtown: Removals
Controlling Operation Marion: Pipe Work
Controlling Operation Bartlett: Sub-Grade Treatment 
Fraction of Day Workable: 10/10
Hi 77 Lo 57
Weather AM Sunny, Partly Cloudy PM Sunny, Partly Cloudy

Woodruff continued with storm pipe and structure work on the new Marian between Michigan and Main. Structure 122 was placed and connected to the system. A temporary plywood crosswalk with snow fencing was constructed west of the original crosswalk so the original crosswalk could be removed and the remaining structures on Marian could be placed. Once the original crosswalk was removed, an electric duct bank running north-south across Marian was found at the alley that has too large of depth for the storm piping to run unobstructed. Solutions are being considered that include: (1) running a new line to the west on Marian under the duct bank and (2) tying Structures 124, 125, 126, and 127 in to Str. 146 at the south west corner of the intersection of Marian and Michigan. 

Rieth-Riley had a concrete crew which poured the center lane on the Bartlett roundabout going southbound  from Sta. 18+25.00 to approximately Sta. 15+00. Sections were also poured immediately east of the crosswalk that spans Bartlett on the west side of the roundabout.  Aggregate grading was completed around the majority of the Bartlett roundabout, and forms were set for the remaining sections of the outside lane of the roundabout going southbound. 

Robert Henry was adjusting manholes to grade on Michigan on the south side of the Bartlett roundabout. 

Indiana Earth continued grading on Marian and had a one man crew grading areas being prepared for sod on Bartlett St. east of the roundabout.  Removals continued on the west side of Main St. under the railroad tracks at Bronson. No removal crews were working on St. Joseph and Main Street between Madison and Washington despite two or more lanes being closed on both roads. They also worked on placing stone at Bartlett street North Bound north half..

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